Magnesium Bisglycinate
In developed countries, magnesium deficiency is prevalent. Being on the go and eating poor quick nutrient meals is something that frequently happens. Even while privileging nuts and seeds, leafy greens and whole grains, the standard American Diet does not meet half of the daily recommendation.
Today's soil and water are depleted of their mineral content, which impacts vegetables, whole grains, and others. Supplementing with our Magnesium Bisglycinate is a way to reach the daily recommendation and enjoying all of the benefits.
Bis-Glycinate over other types of magnesium?
This form of magnesium has the best absorption rate by your body; the bioavailability is much better. For people with a sensitive stomach, Magnesium Bisglycinate is the most gentle to digest and is absorbed in different areas of your gut.
- 60 Capsules
- Reduce blood pressure
- Reduce the risk of insulin resistance by promoting the breakdown of sugar
- Increase mineral bone density, while decreasing the risk of osteoporosis
- Balance serotonin level
- Help avoid depression and ADHD
- Alleviate constipation
How to use Magnesium Bisglycinate?
Take one serving (two capsules) daily during a meal.
If you are currently pregnant or nursing, consult a physician prior to use. Keep out of reach of children. Please consult your physician or the appropriately licensed professional before engaging in a training program or nutritional supplementation.
Magnesium plays a huge role in our bodies. Working toward over 300 chemical reactions, it is a necessary dietary mineral and an essential electrolyte. We can't neglect the presence of magnesium in our bodies: from producing energy and synthesis of DNA to heart rate regulation and bone density, magnesium level needs to be regulated.